D Lyrical Monasterio: Idol Ruby x Sapphire Wilista

Author: Kuharu Kirito Date Uploaded: 1 year ago Last Updated: 1 year ago
Deck Views: 1,331 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: Standard
Deck Nation: Lyrical Monasterio

Deck Description

The second Idol in Lyrical Monasterio is Wilista. Which play style is around 2 Gem Order Card, she can activate her abilities multi time for each them in soul and create a huge power and attack.

Grade 3:

+ Prismajica, Wilista can use her abilities multi time in one turn because its doesn't say 1/turn. So you can give her +15k Power or call from top any time.

+ Attentive Deep Love, Ottilie is your main card in your combo, she can give you play multiple Order Card when you activate the Ruby. In fact, she doesn't have 1/turn so when you play Ruby, you can play another Order until the last Order isn't Ruby.

+ Scintillate Rays, Ophelia is your main finisher with can attack in 4th time. When Wilista use two abilities in same turn. Ophelia's will +15k and can be Stand so when you activate both Wilista's abilities, you can use Ophelia attack frist without boost, then stand and +15k Power when your Wilista attack.

+ Challenge to Self, Trudie is use to discard in ride phase or Ruby's cost or discard by Wilista's second ability, then she can add 1 gem in your deck or drop to your hand and you can activate it in that turn.

Grade 1:

+ Tranquil Affection, Elivira is your must call on RC and before you activate Sapphire Order, you need to call all of her on rear. The more you call, the more you draw card when you activate Sapphire.

+ Treat as Earnest Wish, Hanael with Elementaria Sanctitude. In other way, this card look like the same other Sentinel but if you fight with Nirvana, Bastion, Kairi, Seraph, … you will not have to discard to activate its. On the other side, this card can get aways with some ability like "cannot call normal unit."

Deck Breakdown

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