Apex Overrun

Author: SelfPuppet Date Uploaded: 1 year ago Last Updated: 1 year ago
Deck Views: 659 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: Standard
Deck Nation: Keter Sanctuary

Deck Description

It is a deck consisting mostly of Grade 3 cards and by using Apex-surpassing sword ability (which hopefully you can draw him in early), make use of all the benefits that a Grade 3 card can provide.

Flient gets a massive power boost with the right Vanguard while Lagrele skill is too good to pass up, you are basically looking at a unit that can drive check twice as it can re-stand again with Bastion skill. Darkstrain and the order card Protector Pride allow all the G3 to be spam on the field. While Rooks for the extra draw and Fort for the possible free G3 early call. Kurabiel is there cause there is no reason to not have a perfect guard in your deck.

Do take note you will be losing your hand just to perform a guaranteed ride for Grade 1 and possibly for Grade 2 and Grade 3 as well from the Ride Deck. This is because not only the card in the Ride Deck is crucial for the chain, but it is also because you technically have zero Grade 1 (NO YOU DO NOT RIDE THE SENTINEL, YOU DO NOT) in the deck and three Grade 2 in the deck excluding the one from Ride Deck.

Deck Breakdown

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