Brandt Gate Detain Prison (Set 6)

Author: Cauzz Date Uploaded: 1 year ago Last Updated: 1 year ago
Deck Views: 1,102 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: Standard
Deck Nation: Brandt Gate

Deck Description

UNTESTED (Theory Crafting)

Detain all their cards so they can never get them back.

Defend your Detain Cycla like your life depends on it so you don't give your opponent extra attacks (unless it's easier to defend 2 attacks from cards in prison than the big one that they're sending at Detain Cycla AND you have another one in hand). Soul charge so you can keep detaining every turn. Stay alive with cards like Explosive! Melting Heart! and Agra Rouge. Clear their board every turn using Purelight, Seraph Snow, Barrage Ltra, and Shirer Zenith so they don't get to play the game. The extra Seraph Snow is played on rear guard circle for the counter blast ability. Keep clearing board and ripping cards out of hand so they're sad. Hit 10 prison and punch their face with crits to win. 

Cuff Spring is used to help you in situations where the opponent does not call many rear guards until one big turn. In that case, you'll need Cuff Spring to increase prison count so your Agra Rouge and Explosive! Melting Heart! can be useful. 6 draw/5 front because this deck has no draw engine, and also damage checking fronts is really good for the deck, as it helps you protect your detainer. In addition, hitting 10 prison for crits is easier to do than other prison decks, so crit triggers are less impactful. 

Deck Breakdown

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