Kairi's Cursed 7 Attacks

Author: ronelm2000 Date Uploaded: 1 year ago Last Updated: 1 year ago
Deck Views: 2,113 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: Standard
Deck Nation: Lyrical Monasterio

Deck Description

Whoever made me quick-make this deck deserves some time in horny jail.

Anyway, here's how the combo works:

- Persona Ride (so Kairi in hand)
- Aerith (The real reason this combo works.)
- [In Hand or RG] 1 Ghost (Ingrid is used here as an Anti-Prison card, but can be replaced with other Ghosts if necessary.)
- [In Hand] Azumy (The reason why this combo is somewhat consistent.)
- [In Hand or RG] Yuika (The OTHER reason why this combo is somewhat consistent.)

[Total Cost for the Combo]
3 CBs and 2 SBs

Set up the combo with:
(Ghost) - (Kairi) - (Aerith)
(Yuika) - (Any) - (Any)

1. Attack with your Ghost (no boost), she dissappears afterwards.
2. Attack with Aerith boosted. This will call Azumy in your Hand.
3. Attack with Azumy (no boost)
4. Attack with Kairi.
4a. Azumy's effect procs, essentially restanding her.
4b. Kairi's bounce effect procs, bounce the column with Aerith.
4c. After battle Kairi's Persona Ride effect procs, now you can call Aerith + any booster.
5. Attack with Azumy, boosted with Yuika.
5a. After battle, Yuika procs, bouncing the Azumy.
6. Attack with Aerith, now you can call any other card in your hand (you can even call your extra booster or Melty)
7. Attack with your last attacker which was called by Aerith.

Deck Breakdown

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