My Real Lianorn (Set 7)
Deck Description
I still refuse to pay for Grand March and Aracelis. This deck just can't get back enough resources. Lianorn's ride line blasts all her soul on its own, so a guy at my locals recommended the Rorowa ride line. It generates tokens (which you'll need to buy) for free so you can use other soul effects, like Amalie for more card advantage that the deck can't survive without. Bought more Clapping Dragon for draws, included Salvia to fill that back row for free. You could replace Festa with Sympathize dB if you find that fills your needs better.
Replaced 1 Salvia with a single Koocy because a) I only have 2 Salvia right now, but b) if I had called that Koocy, I would've won. Also I recommend keeping all Festas, as it is your best counter to hard removal decks. Unless you have Diantha. Less cards out of your deck, same cost, can recycle grade 3s for attacks, gets you the same amount of units. Is currently $11. So if you don't have her, don't sweat buying her. But absolutely use her if you do.