BEST Magnolia Set 6 Deck

Author: FlooffyBeast Date Uploaded: 2 years ago
Deck Views: 1,004 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: Standard
Deck Nation: Stoicheia

Deck Description

After topping a local due to Overtriggers and badly losing another to misplays (and one opponent's Overtrigger), I believe I have come to understand this deck perfectly. If you're playing against a matchup where Enpix is needed and you draw him, but you also have more resources to commit, save him (if possible, or not if you have SBC in hand and can keep it for next turn) and commit. More attacks means less cards for your opponent, luck willing (which is still what this game is about, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise). Do not occupy the slot behind your vanguard with anything other than a grade 1 (preferably not Alvan), and always boost your vanguard when it attacks. It may cost you an attack, but with a regular 13k boost AND Triple Drive at turn 4+, you'll break shields easier. And that's what you need to win consistently.

I know he's from set 4, but I had to represent my misnomered boy Plague Doctor Dragon on the cover.

Deck Breakdown

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