Gramgrace Metaaa!
Deck Description
Is what I’m hoping for in set 8. I know what you’re thinking: “A Keter vanguard that guarantees 4 attacks AND is +1 card advantage?” Here’s the catch: That promo card he gets, which based on the pattern of release we won’t even see until next November, causes you to have soul blasted 2 BEFORE he returns to your soul. The drive +1 does maintain the card advantage, though, so he’ll be usable if you can just fill the soul, which should be easier than ever for Keter with the new grade 1 common. The promo card’s not in this list ‘cause there’s no knowing when we can play it, but this deck has plenty of filler for when it does release. Everything in here is a resource. You probably don't need ALL of the soul charging, but most of Keter's other untagged cards dilute your deck with grade 3s. You could include Blaster Blade in the main deck for more removal, but the ride line is to be used to call Wingal Brave so you don't whiff any triggers. Sadie is the obvious target for Gramgrace' effect, giving you an additional +1 card. You do have damage space to run Lagrele, if you don't mind dropping a few cards for the extra threat, because you would be foolish not to attack with the unit called by Gramgrace.