Promo Gramgrace

Author: FlooffyBeast Date Uploaded: 1 year ago Last Updated: 1 year ago
Deck Views: 2,174 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: Standard
Deck Nation: Keter Sanctuary

Deck Description

Update: THEY'RE OUT NOW!!! Lachte is a new sealed promo <$5 and Fernbael is the foil promo from set 10 sneak preview, so go draft! In honor of my previous Gramgrace deck reaching 1,000 views, I built another one! Could the actual reason be unrelated to my ego and have something to do with the new tagged promo card that was just revealed? Oh, look at that, there is one! I'll update this if he gets another, but outside of a ride line, even just a new generic Keter one that doesn't require you to CB, it can't get much better than this. New girl Lakche (who rides a wasp, which is AWESOME btw) recycles both your grade 3 promo AND persona rides! And she's a grade 1, so she boosts! Fernbael gives Gramgrace an extra threat with an extra drive.

You do need Fufupuri now with both promos taking cards from soul. Previously you would only need her if triggering Painkiller Angel more than once. Painkiller has been removed for Lakche since recycling those two grade 3s will give you plenty of cards to make up for her. Gramgrace and these promos will also remove a total 3 cards from your soul per turn, so be sure to fill up. For that reason, do not seek an alternative to Tanaluru, whose extremely fun name they sinfully changed in the English print. Thanks to all his draw power, Gramgrace does NOT need the new Regalis Piece persona ride order. It is a non-unit, has no shield, and will just kill you faster.

The ride strategy is still the same: Call Wingal. One less card out of your deck could mean the difference between win and loss. It did for me when I had to use Blaster Javelin instead, so don't do that. Possibly the biggest thing I can stress about any Gramgrace deck: Do NOT run draw triggers. He doesn't need them, and they will just kill him, so again, don't do that.

Deck Breakdown

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