Deck Description
this is my current list
if you can afford to buy 4 copies of brainwash go ahead to change lin. but imo lin is better cuz selective soulcharge (even the rest is put on the bottom of the deck is no prob cus you shuffle ALOT)
1 vorpal dragon if you go first sb 2 to retire 1 and onhit to sc 2 (good move if you have strider or another g3 in hand)
1 sargon in center backrow after attackin with upstream dragon (this is D-bt09 before that you can use another argandia )
idk i can't put elementaria to this deck, so yeah 4 normal pg
you can do shenanigans using gear eagle of sudden banks
just find your own combo
this deck is nuts (and relatively cheap compare to another meta deck)
edit mk 2 : adding 2 eden and 1 sargon
removing 2 amazment magician and 1 random g1
swinler is choice restric, so this is sub optimal list
2 eden for mirror match
noone wants to go to g3 first
so rush