The Cleaning Ladies

Author: FlooffyBeast Date Uploaded: 11 months ago Last Updated: 11 months ago
Deck Views: 1,284 Deck Comments: 1 Deck Format: Standard
Deck Nation: Brandt Gate

Deck Description

I've been wracking my brain trying to find a vanguard that would actually work with the Cleaning Sisters, because none of the other vanguards are nice to the help, and then I saw they revealed Sherokpied for set 11. Which got me remembering that there was a monster with a vanguard effect like that. Even better, it's a common, so it keeps this deck costing only pennies. Aside from effect triggers.

The cleaning order goes like this: Mopy searches Blache searches Weepl. The first two also search Deploy, which is a grade 1 set order that can be played for no cost. Weepl gets big buff if you get three in order zone. Chose the Arkhite line because vanguard is a monster, as well as Sherokpied, so you get that sweet, sweet Persona search. If you wanted to use one more unit in this deck, you could use the Orfist line with just 1 Hollowing Moonlit Night/Eclipsed Moonlight instead, then you got space for a second Bobalmine or something. I think the vanguard search is just too valuable to pass up. Just remember to keep Deploys in your opening hand and mulligan Research/World, but never ever discard any Deploy. I would hold off playing Research until turn 3 if I need a Persona ride, 4 if I already have one. If you're playing Orfist line, you have to play World turn 2 or you lose Cubisia's buff. You want to hit at least 3 Deploys in order zone per game.

Okay, so now that there's an inevitably in-demand RRR, it will probably cost dollars instead of pennies. But Mopy was whiffing on me, and I wanted to use the soul, so I got a definite order searcher with discard benefit. I really think it'll improve power and consistency by a lot. Once you get all 4 Deploys out, Elehireseade becomes a 23k swinger. I think the Cleaning Sisters were designed with him in mind. And bravo, because the design for this deck is brilliant.

Deck Breakdown

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