Nirvana Control/Budget

Author: ChrisThunder555 Date Uploaded: 2 years ago
Deck Views: 1,258 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: Standard
Deck Nation: Dragon Empire

Deck Description

Kinda budget-ish deck. The goal of this deck is quite simple; to just keep retiring your opponent's rearguards as consistent as possible. Your main retiring engine is gonna be Vairina, but with little helps with two cards, which are Kizanreiji and Gyoukou. Because this deck eats up a lot of souls (if you're not careful enough), I'm running a Mirins as a secondary soul resource. You can run 4 Togas and 2 Mirins, but I like the three splits each. Draw triggers just because you can and why not. You can run crits or fronts if you want to. The draws are for searching for more pieces and hopefully helps you survive longer.


That's it, thx and I'm open to suggestions 

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