
Author: Okapi Date Uploaded: 2 years ago Last Updated: 2 years ago
Deck Views: 1,017 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: Standard
Deck Nation: Lyrical Monasterio

Deck Description

Catrina in the ride list and the second Serious Challenger, Clarissa are standins because Dignified Will, Clarissa is STILL not on the site for some reason.

Very pleased with how the deck runs with New School Term tools.  I haven't gotten to play it much outside of my usual playgroup so ymmv but it should be competitive with all but the silliest decks in the current meta.

Use Evelyn and Rugena to fish out the missing members for Aim.  Only running 3 because, frankly, in my experience if you haven't won after 3 Aims you're about to lose anyway so that slot is better served by literally anything else, but grab a playset if you're building this from scratch because you might disagree.  It's not like they're expensive *shrug*

Deck Breakdown

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