Yatagarasu/Fenrir Hyper Soul

Author: Hyakki Date Uploaded: 2 years ago
Deck Views: 926 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: V Premium
Deck Clan: Genesis

Deck Description

Since the deck offer 2 types of grade 3 boss, you can decide on the matchup.
If you want to rush, use Yatagarasu as first ride and go wide
If you want to lay back and see, use Fenrir to search up for tools

You can drop Fenrir to 3 or 2 depends on your liking.

Hati and Cider is mostly to ramp up soul, but Cider can be used defensively that works in conjunction with Yatagarasu 2nd Skill. Cider would be primary is being used to sould charge 2 but can work defensively. The grade 1 lineup is just "Play it until you have beefy soul".

Deck Breakdown

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