V Reverse: Pale Moon Silver Thorn Luquier

Author: Kuharu Kirito Date Uploaded: 2 years ago Last Updated: 2 years ago
Deck Views: 2,875 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: V Premium
Deck Clan: Pale Moon

Deck Description

STBT: Silver Thorn Beast Tamer.

This is the most easy deck in all of Reverse deck. All you do is just use Non-reverse Luquier's ability to call 6 rear with back row is 3 different grades, in the most case that will has STBT, Ana and STBT, Maricica. The combo will be: Use Ana's ability, put her and 1 rear in back row with same column as Maricica to Counter Charge. Then use Maricica's ability to call that rear in back row you just put into soul by Ana's ability. If you has 2 Maricica, call 2 of them to front row RC and 3 different grades will be 1 Ana, 2 other rear and if you do that, you can use Ana's ability to put 2 counter Chagre 1 and 2 Maricica will call 2 card back for you. When you using Non-reverse Luquier's ability, you can choose to call any rear but you must call 1 STBT, Doriane. She is the main resource and draw in your playe style.

When you call full rear on RC, use Luquier Reverse in soul to lock 3 in back row and ride her to VC. You will have 5 battle in the first G3 ride with Luquier Reverse +9k power to all front row unit and Non-reverse Luquier +3k power to all front row rear. In the end turn, unlock all of your rear and use Doriane to put 6 rear to soul, draw 3 card and add 1 Non-reverse Luquier to hand for the next turn, then retire her.

Use Silver Thorn Marionette, Lilian to put Luquier Reverse into soul soon as possible.

Fun fact: You can ride Luquier Reverse on VC during your G2 turn if you have 3 rear with different grades which are 0, 1, 2.

Some option you can do:

With this deck focus on unit name Silver Thorn, so I don't recommend another unit with not name Silver Thorn.

+ Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier is strong but she can only call unit in front row and specially, she can't interact with Doriane. You can play her to the combo gets 3 Accel makers in 1 turn because her give Accel ability is continuous when ACT was use so if you ride Luquier Reverse, you can do as much as possible Venus Luquier's ability to get 1 Accel.

+ Silver Thorn Jugger, Mu and STBT, Shayda is the best guard in Silver Thorn. Use Mu to call Shayda to GC and use Shayda to put her back im soul and give VC 15k power with mean 1 guard has 25k shield in that battle.

Deck Breakdown

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