Great Nature "Success" Premium

Author: Hammsuke1234 Date Uploaded: 3 years ago Last Updated: 3 years ago
Deck Views: 1,430 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: Premium
Deck Clan: Great Nature

Deck Description

A fun theme deck that runs a bunch of older techs of "success" ability cards. The main win condition is still using Monoculus-Rhino-Zoa combo. However, pieces for this combo can be search out using Parakeet, Travelling Momonga and Mikesaburo ability. The deck doesn't generate accel markers but the Amzaing Prof, Bigbelly able to activate retire ability and can be attack extender in one card. Due to being generation break reliant, the deck can be quite slow and may struggling against earlygame rushes.

Deck Breakdown

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