D Awakening: Brandt Gate Prison Seraph

Author: Kuharu Kirito Date Uploaded: 2 years ago Last Updated: 1 year ago
Deck Views: 1,671 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: Standard
Deck Nation: Brandt Gate

Deck Description

This deck focus on Prison your opponent's card as much as possible and use Seraph Purelight to gets a lot of power to Rear and attack on G4 turn.

Grade 4: 

+ Aurora Fierce Princess, Seraph Purelight is your boss and true finisher, you will want 1 or 2 of her in hand. With ability gets your front row units get 5k for every 2 card in prison and her will prison 6 card each from your opponent's hand/rear/soul. That mean you will always have +10k or 15k power to front row unit with her first ride.

Grade 3:

+Aurora Battle Princess, Execute Lemonun is good to Prison multiple unit in the same turn. She doesn't care she Prison how much, the only she count is the number card in your Prison that will be +4 or more (if your opponent using Token or they don't have any soul to Seraph Purelight put card in). So, with Seraph Purelight buff and her buff, she will get high power with 1 extra crit can threat your opponent to guard. 

Grade 2:

+ Aurora Battle Princess, Agra Rouge is the best card in this deck. She can attack, can guard and can prison. 3 in 1.

+ Aurora Battle Princess, Accuse Makarite can prison ignoring your opponent has rear or not. If Agra Rouge can't prison any rear because your opponent has no rear or they only has 2 and Seraph Purelight already prisoned 2, Accuse Makarite is the option can prison on top of your opponent's deck. 

+ Aurora Battle Princess, Cuff Spring like Accuse Makarite, she prison ignoring your opponent's rear, and let you get 1 prison for without any cost. Her give you opponent draw 1 but with Seraph Purelight's and her ability, that mean your opponent will lose 3 card in hand and draw 1. This not give your opponent -1 but not its not +1 either.

+ Aurora Battle Princess, Derii Violet is another Sentinel for you to guard when your opponent attack you with Grade 2 or less RC.

Grade 1:

+ Aurora Battle Princess, Suppress Gleamer is the main rear in your back row. With Seraph Purelight's ability can give you front row 15k power, you don't need back row so much but Suppress Gleamer can free call to your RC without any cost.

+ Aurora Battle Princess, Tear Cloaca in here to defense until you get G4 ride turn. With cost is Counter Blast, you didn't use Counter Blast so much, you will gets 15k shield its equal with 1 critical trigger shield.

Deck Breakdown

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