Eradicator V-series

Author: MB Date Uploaded: 2 years ago
Deck Views: 3,007 Deck Comments: 0 Deck Format: V Premium
Deck Clan: Narukami

Deck Description

Hey Kings. Here's mine Eradicator deck before the support in V Selection. The deck works pretty well, with the focus on Gauntlet-Descendant play. Gaiban is at 3 to ensure you get at least 1 of it on your field on your Break Ride turn, so your Descendant second swing blocks Sentinels. I picked Martial Arts in this deck as it works well with Descendant too, and it does essentially what Plasmacatapult Dragon does on a rear, without being an Eradicator. Besides, Plasma V effect wont be used too much since your main Ride on grade 2 is Spark Raze. I feel that the payoff is greater and the deck doesnt lose too much consistency with the non-Eradicators. Nusku and Spark Raze are your main searchers for any Eradicator, but most importantly they dig for the Grade 3.

The deck can be tweaked for your style. You can add the duo Ouban-Gongsun for 23k lines, countercharge and draw 2, a more agressive 12 crit build or even the Book order, as long as you manage your damage, since the deck doesnt mind soulblasting. Enjoy.

Deck Breakdown

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